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Board 10: South opens 1D, West doubles, North bids 1H (2H, preemptive over the double, should be a better suit and a weaker hand, say KJ109xx and out vulnerable, but styles vary.) East might bid 1S not vulnerable but likely passes. South's normal rebid is 2C; many prefer 1NT, and that may well be the best spot, but I prefer letting responder count on doubleton support for his suit when I rebid notrump. West passes and North, with limited values, a club fit and a broken heart suit, should also pass. Now East can reasonably back in with 2S; West should not punish him with a raise. South and West pass; if North competes, it should be in clubs, a known fit, rather than hearts. If South chose 1NT as his rebid, he should not be surprised when North never quits biddng hearts; six card suits are not all that uncommon and the advantage of sometimes playing an offbeat 1NT seems not worth the confusion when responder has a long suit.
3C should be held to 7 tricks if the defense leads trumps repeatedly; meanwhile, heart declarers can scramble 8 tricks by ruffing diamonds at every opportunity. E/W should compete with 2S so a normal result should be N/S down one or two tricks somewhere.
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