Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Monday, February 25th 2013

I've had some requests to copy the hand diagrams into my blog; full results are here. I usually right-click and select "open in new tab", but I'll try to copy the hands also.

Board 3
South Deals
E-W Vul
10 8
Q 9 4
K J 8 3
A Q 6 3
A 7 6 5 3 2
6 5
K 8 7 5 4
J 10 7 5
Q 10 9 7 4 2
J 9
K Q J 9
A K 8 6 3 2
10 2
South opens 1H; West overcalls 1S, 2S or a Michaels 2H cue-bid. With six in the major I would be inclined simply to bid it, but the relatively weak suit makes 2H an attractive choice. In a major, I prefer to always have at least 5-5 shape for this bid. North has enough to force to game, but a leap to 4H would suggest a shapelier hand with fewer high cards. This distinction can be important if partner has interest in slam or if the enemy bids again. A cue-bid of an overcalled suit generally promises invitational or better values with support for partner; here, as the 2H bid implies spades, 2S looks right.

East passes, guessing (correctly) that partner has clubs, not diamonds. South counts four losers and the cue-bid suggests better than three cover cards, so slam prospects look bright. Lacking a club control, South should not leap to 4NT, but should attempt to start a control cue-bidding sequence. 3D at this point may sound like a game try, and partner's expected leap to 4H will not reveal whether he has clubs under control; better, then, to cue-bid 3S, a clear-cut slam try as long as 2S promised support. (This agreement is logical since a responder with a good hand lacking support could simply bid a new suit.) Old-fashioned cue-bidding required first-round control on the first round of cue-bidding, but it is more efficient to allow first or second round controls and then use 4NT to make sure you aren't missing two Aces or key cards.

North cooperates with 4C over 3S, and now South can safely bid 4NT. North replies 5D if playing Blackwood or RKCB (3014 responses) and South should gamble 6S. "1430" bidders will have room to check on the Queen: 4NT-5C; 5D-5S (second step = yes) or 6D (showing the Queen of trumps plus the King of diamonds.) 

Leading an Ace against a slam can be costly, but on balance is probably best in most cases against six of a suit. When dummy appears, there is little West can hope for besides hoping for a ruff; if partner has another trick coming there is little West can do to help. All 6H bidders appear to have suffered from the same defense.

With such length and strength in spades, should South have considered 6NT? Perhaps, but this depends on North's extra values. Best would be 6NT by North, protecting against a club lead (West could easily have spades and diamonds rather than spades and clubs.) I don't see an obvious way to reach that ideal contract.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Sunday, February 24th 2013

Right-click here for hands.

Board 3: If West likes to have either a good suit or a good hand for a weak two, 2H is a reasonable opening; J109763 will play well opposite any honor. Pass is also reasonable with no top honor. If the style is to avoid opening a weak hand with a weak suit, especially vulnerable, East can picture six hearts and two side winners. That doesn't look like enough for slam unless West has an unlikely club singleton, so East should be content with 4H.

If West passes, North should open 3C. When you don't have a weak two available for a suit, a strong six-card suit is worth a three bid unless vulnerable vs. not. East doubles for takeout and West leaps to 4H. Counting five losers, East should not expect a passed hand to cover four of them. A stiff club is a possibility but is against the odds.

If both West and North pass East opens 2NT (20-21.) Counting 10 hcp and two for the long suit, West contemplates slam; but such scattered values are unappealing. Can we picture a 20 point hand that makes for a good slam? Perhaps Kxx Axx AQJx AJx -- if North has ether or both heart honors, you'll lose only one trump. But any other heart holding will probably leave you short of tricks or controls, as with today's actual East hand. I would transfer to hearts and settle for game. Note that if either player invokes key-card, they get the wrong information -- it's the hands with not too much in trumps that have the best slam chances.

Board 7: West opens 1NT (15-17) and East ponders his 13 hcp 1444 hand. There might be a slam in any of the three suits, but the singleton Ace isn't very useful. Sure, you won't lose any spades, but part of the value of an Ace is it's control and combining value. The singleton already prevents two losers in the suit and if partner has much in spades, he won't have enough elsewhere. East bids Stayman followed by 3NT. Six clubs actually makes if you ruff one diamond low and another high before pulling trumps, but you still need the heart finesse.

Board 9: A routine 3S-4S auction. North's trumps are better than they might be at this vulnerabilty, the Queen of hearts is gold and the King is in the slot; declarer runs all the tricks if East does not lead off with the Ace of diamonds. It's less risky than usual to lead an unsupported Ace vs. a preempt; did you know that "Ace from Ace-King" is not supposed to apply against preempts or slam bids (or in partner's suit, or vs. notrump, or after the opening lead...) ? But the auction doesn't give East many clues and a trump lead seems reasonable with stuff in every side suit.

Board 17: East opens 1H, West responds 2D, and East leaps to 3H. Such a jump is game-forcing no matter how you play your 2/1 bids, but does not fully describe East's power. West bids 3NT to deny a fit -- no reason to mention the spades, opener would not jump with a side major suit.

If the 2D bid was game forcing, East can assume partner has the suit controlled and proceed with 4NT; following the jump, I would take this as RCKB rather than a quantitative invitation. West shows two key cards and East bids 6H or perhaps 6NT -- all side suits seem well-controlled and the two red suits may provide enough tricks. With no missing key card it would generally pay to play in the suit, where you may have a better shot at an overtrick. Playing straight Blackwood, East should bid 5NT to confirm all the Aces, then settle for 6H when West shows only one King -- either or both red suit Kings are missing. One finesse wins, one fails, slam makes easily. A lucky Kxx in the slot and the ability to ruff out the King of hearts makes 7D a magic contract, not one you'd want to bid.

Board 20: West and East bid 1S-2C; 2H-3H, and West can leap to 4NT and place the hand in slam. North should pass smoothly, East might have KJxx of trumps and/or a double may assist declarer in the play. In fact, 6H can be made double-dummy on a trump coup, but North's unexpected stiff diamond practically insures West cannot guess the winning line in actual play.

Suppose North doubles and leads his singleton diamond. West wins in hand, cashes the Ace of spades and ruffs a spade, noting the fall of South's KJ.  A trump to the Ace allows another spade ruff, confirming South's doubleton. Now declarer tries to cash his diamonds, hoping to strip North's side suits; but North ruffs and exits with, say, a club.  Declarer ruffs one more spade and cashes club winners, eventually conceding one more trump for down one.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Friday, February 15th 2013

Nine slams! Right-click here for hands.

Board 1: North opens 1C, 1D or perhaps 1NT (1444 with a stiff Ace.) I would probably choose 1D, allowing for an easy 2C rebid. Negative doubles will help uncover a heart fit if the enemy bids spades. East either preempts 3S or passes; I would not bother with a 2S jump on such a weak hand. Only 3 hcp and poor 7222 shape, but not vulnerable and a decent K109xxxx suit. I tend not to open such hands in first or second seat, as I feel partner may suffer more than the enemy, but once they've opened partnerr is less likely to have a good hand and preempting seems fine. This is a four-trick overbid but the hand has all offense, zero defense, so if they actually set you four tricks doubled they may well have misssed a slam.

South has a real problem over 3S: no spade stopper and no heart suit for a negative double, but 12 hcp is too much to pass, and the shortage in spades means you can't count on partner backing in (he is less likely to be short also.) South can bid 4C, 4D if that's what partner opened, or force to game with 4S. The hand does not look strong enough for 4S so I'd settle for 4 of partner's suit (chances are much higher he has four of them in light of the preempt.)

West has a fit, some offensive values, and little defense against either minor. Bidding 4S rates to chase them into a game or slam you can't beat; it may, however, deprive North of a 4S cue-bid. Since it feels like they have  slam, I'd try 4S, planning to sell out to anything they bid.

North has a fistful of quick tricks but no great shape; I'd take the money at 4S doubled. If partner overuled my by pulling the double, I'd bid slam. N/S collect six tricks on defense for +500 and a near top; only one pair bid slam, possibly against less aggressive E/W bidding.

Board 3: West opens 1D. East has a powerful hand, but only 14 hcp, a broken suit and the void opposite partner suggests a simple 1S response rather than a strong jump shift. West rebids 2C which greatly improves East's hand. East counts five losers and can hope to pitch a heart on something in diamonds. Slam looks good opposite something like Kx xx Axxxx AJxx. East can show the fit and slam interest by jumping to 4C; with merely game interest East should not rule out 3NT. I think, however, a "scientific" 2H bid may be best -- most play this as potentially artificial (the "fourth suit" gadget.) I recommend playing this as game-forcing. One consideration is that East's clubs are really too poor to insist on slam.

West alerts 2H and rebids his chunky diamonds. East can now rebid spades, forcing, and West raises to game. Qx is plenty of support at your third opportunity: West denied four spades by not raising immediately, and with three would certainly have taken a preference to 2S over 2H.

Should East continue or be satisfied with 4S? West's diamond bids are discouraging, and overall I don't think East should risk another bid. In fact, slam requires luck in both black suits and +680 ties for top score. In a team game against a stronger team you might gamble on slam, but at matchpoints it's better not to risk the five level if you do not clearly have the values for slam.

Board 4: West opens 1D -- even if you normally require 12 hcp for an opening bid, you should certainly upgrade for the powerful six-card suit and all those tens. East responds 1S.  West has a wealth of playing strength, but a leap to 3S or 4S risks sounding like more high cards. I think 2S is practical; this is unlikely to be passed out and you may be better able to judge what to do with more information. 3S is also reasonable on values.

East has a clear raise to game, which could be a laydown opposite as little as KJxx x Axxxx Kxx. The singleton in partner's suit isn't ideal, but the side Axx suggests you may be able to use diamond values for discards. I think West should pass this, but if East makes any sort of game try or even merely competes to 3S West should bid game.

If West raises to 3S rather than 2, East should picture a shapely hand (given the failure to open 1NT.) Slam is possible but duplication of values in diamonds seems likely. I'd settle for game as East, but a 4C control cue-bid would not be outrageous. No one bid slam, and making twelve tricks requires guessing the King of diamonds -- on today's hand, the ruffing finesse against North works. I assume the 2D players opened a weak two as West -- not recommended with such good spades.

Board 5: North opens one heart; East should pass or jump to 3C -- this poor, Aceless 8 count with wasted values in the enemy suit is certainly not worth a two level overcall even at favorable vulnerability. Assuming 1H-pass-pass, West re-opens with a double. North is strong and shapely enough to compete with 2D despite partner's pass and the adverse vulnerability. East competes, either in spades or perhaps 3C, planning to bid 3S later (suggesting this sort of 4-6 hand.) South, havng passed, can come alive with his double fit. The vulnerability argues against anything higher than 3H.

OK, let's assume 1H-p-p-dbl; 2D-3C-3H-? West bids 3S, trusting partner won't pass after bidding 3C freely. East raises to 4S and West leaps to 6C; East corrects back to 6S, trusting partner to have good spades for his double-then-bid-a-suit sequence.

If instead the bidding starts (1H)-p-(p)-dbl; (2D)-2S-(3H)-? West may continue with 4H, but I don't know that East would continue toward slam. If South remains silent due to the vulnerability, West can splinter in hearts:
(1H)-p-(p)-dbl; (2D)-2S-(p)-4H would clearly show spade support, slam interest and 0-1 hearts.  East could then reasonably proceed with 4NT (RKCB): 4NT-5C (0 or 3, obviously not 0 given the strong bidding); 5D-5S or 5NT (Queen ask; yes = second step or anything but 5S)-6S. Two pairs reached this excellent slam.

Board 6: East opens 1S; West has more than enough for a strong jump to 3D, but can easily drive to slam without that tool. A possible 2/1 game force sequence might begin 1S-2D; 3C-3S; 4S and West hasn't really learned anything except to hope East has a club control or his bid discourages such a lead. So, 4NT-5H (2 key cards, no Queen); 5NT-6D; 6S. West can count 11 obvious tricks and expect to set up the fifth diamond; with all the Aces and top trumps 6S is a better matchpoint shot than 6NT, as the trump suit may help set up an overtrick or prevent multiple undertricks. Thirteen tricks roll in when the Queen of clubs drops, but the only pair to bid a grand failed to make it. Top score went to 6NT but that would be a scary contract on a heart lead. No need to be greedy in the bidding -- 6S making 7 was worth 70% of the matchpoints.

Board 7: Was the dealing machine stuck or what? Nah, just a fluky day. South opens either 2NT or 2C, upgrading for the strong spades along with three Aces. Over 2NT, North bids 3C (Stayman) and then 4C, natural and forcing. Any other interpretation makes this sort of hand a nightmare to bid; my usual agreement is that 4C is Gerber if and only if it is a direct jump over partner's 1NT or 2NT. South shows his slam interest with a 4D control cue-bid, implicitly showing support for clubs. A player who opens in notrump does NOT start bidding suits, uninvited, at the four level. Lacking control of hearts, North retreats to 5C, but South has too many controls to settle for that and raises to 6C.

If South opens 2C, North bids a natural, slam-positive 3C, suggesting 8+ hcp and a fair 5+ card suit. Those who play 2D "waiting" should especially strain to bid 3C, as clubs on the next round would usually be an artificial "second negative". "Steps" bidders, of course, respond 2NT to show 10-12 hcp.

After 2C-3C, South may as well show his spades, planning to drive to slam in one black suit or the other. North, having shown a positive hand, simply bids 3NT to deny a fit for opener. South bids 4C to set trumps and basically avoids making any bid that could be passed short of slam. 6C looks right as the spade suit may be establishable by way of a ruff or two; but with 11 hcp North corrects to the higher-scoring 6NT.

Board 11: North opens 1H and East ponders how to launch his 23 hcp monster. One approach would be to start with a takeout double, but it will be hard to show both suits. A Michaels cue-bid shows five spades and a five-card minor; East can then hope to show his strength with additional cue-bids, but ultimately he will probably have to guess how high to bid. The Queen of hearts is something of a liability, since North will have other values for his opening bid and partner is probably broke.

Some brave souls will leap to 4H with South's zero-point wonder, based on the known 5-5 fit; but I suspect this will often help E/W evaluate their cards. Assuming South passes, West bids 2S. Since he did not ask for East's minor, I think 3D by East should be strong and forcing; West should like his double-big-fit hand enough to jump to game. I would treat East's 3D bid as equivalent to a 1S opening, 2S raise and 3D game try -- and West can reasonably expect to provide three tricks. East bids 4NT and ends the bidding at 6S after the one-Ace or keycard reply.

Board 12: North opens 1C; East may overcall 1D (not vulnerable.) This bid takes up little room but may direct a good lead or allow partner to raise. Over a pass, South has a fine strong jump to 2S; in competition, however, most play weak jump shifts so South bids a simple 1S. North rebids 1NT and South forces with 2D, either a cue-bid or, if East passsed originally, "New Minor Forcing", showing at least game-invitational values and 5+ spades. North bids 2H (South could be 5-4.) South could now bid 3C, forcing (since 3C last round would have invitational) but he cannot reasonably expect any enthusiasm from his control-poor partner. Better is a jump to 4C, forcing with slam interest. North's failure to bid 2S suggests a doubleton AND therefore four clubs; the spade suit can be set up via ruffs. South must leap to 6C or bid something he is confident partner won't pass. One pair reached the excellent 5-2 spade slam; two made all thirteen tricks at 6C when East failed to lead his Ace of diamonds.

Board 18: East opens 2C; West is a bit below the usual 8 hcp for a slam-positive response and so replies 2D (negative, waiting or semi-positive) or a "steps" 2H (4-6 hcp.) East has an awkward hand for 2C: no five card major or six card minor, yet unbalanced. I think the overwhelming majority of experts would treat the hand as balanced (thanks ot the stiff Ace) and rebid either 3NT or 2NT if partner's bid promised some values.

2C-2D (negative or waiting); 3NT-4H (transfer, "systems on" since the first two bids were artificial and notrump was the first natural bid for our side); double by North (lead-directing); 4S by East (who would pass over the double with only two spades; partner can redouble to insist on the transfer.) West has the values for slam but lacks side controls, especially in the doubled suit (hearts); a raise to 5S invites slam if partner controls hearts. East not only controls hearts but everything else in sight; partner must have good spades for his slam try so a move toward grand slam is justified. East either leaps to 7S or trots out 5NT as the Grand Slam Force. No one reached the excellent grand and two pairs languished at 3NT.

2C-2D (semi-positive) or 2H (steps, 4-6); ? After a semi-positive, game-forcing response, East can bid 2NT on a wider range, allowing West more room to explore for the best contract. I would assume 2NT = 22-27 and 3NT = 28-30 (virtually a slam force) but discuss this with partner. After 2C-2D-2NT, West may have available both a Jacoby transfer (3H) and Texas (4H.) Texas is used when responder has six or more trumps and is sure about level: either definitely game or definetely slam. Over the wide-ranging 2NT, West is uncertain about level and so should plan a 3H-then 4S sequence to invite slam. North doubles hearts, of course; East bids 3S and continues toward slam after West's raise. If Texas transfers are not in the arsenal (don't think you must play them, they are quite rare) North should "super-accept" by leaping to 4S, which should inspire West to try 5S.